Monday 3 September 2012

Even more GPS editing tools

Even more GPS editing tools are available in the newest version of TrackProfiler. Those are:
  • Remove time metadata from the track,
  • Remove elevation metadata from the track,
  • Elevation graphs are not shown if the track has no elevation data,
  • Move graphs,
  • Add/remove to elevation.
Plus, few bug fixes:
  • Problem with embeding tracks whose subject contain non-ASCII characters,
  • Default background for embeded tracks,
  • Better handling for inbound emails for email track uploading.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Track page load speed

Just rolled out a new update with a an important improvement. The problem was that the track page was generated entirely at the moment you requested it (i.e. you clicked on the link). This is a somewhat slowish process and consequently the page load speed was also slow.

Now parts of the page are cached and the page load speed is improved by 3-4 times.


Sunday 22 July 2012

Embeding tracks

This month -- embeding GPS tracks from Trackprofiler in your site. It's easy -- when on the page with your track, just click the "Embed" tab. Then, copy the code on your page. There are 3 predefined widths for widgets, select the one that best fits in your page.

Here is an example of how it looks:

Thursday 7 June 2012

Export track stats to a CSV file

In the last two weeks I was hiking around my small city (Višnjan). I made a total of 737.96564616 meters uphill, 32575.07452042m long (32680.59386254m if counting elevation).

How do I know those numbers?

Because there is a new option in TrackProfiler -- You can export track statistics in a CSV file. For all files or for files with specific tags. All I did was to export in CSV files with tags "visnjan" and "hiking" and then computing the sum of columns with Excel.

If you tag all your hiking tracks with "hiking", tracks when you were in Italia with "italy" and Alps tracks with "alps" -- just enter "hiking italy alps" in the new CSV exporter form. The resulting file will contain data for all those tracks.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Track analytics graphs

With a new version -- one new feature. Graphs for every track uploaded. At the moment, there are three kind of graphs:

  • Graph with elevation and speed,
  • Uphill/downhill ratio,
  • Elevation and steepness heatmap.
I'll probably add more in the future.

PS. The library used or generating the graphs is now open source: see cartesius on github.